Europe has different flavors just like India. We all know Italians for their pasta and pizza and I have enjoyed so many different versions of them over the years. A couple of weeks ago I was in Tuscany for a wedding and enjoying the local food there reminded me that I cannot eat Italian food in Germany for a while anymore. At least not without a huge comparison. Sounds like a perfect time to make some Italian food at home.
Thanks to a good (and methodological) Italian friend of mine, I learnt to make a very simple (and healthy!) pesto version with zucchini. Since zucchini was not really a part of any traditional curries we make in South-India, I never paid attention to its flavor. Most of the time if someone from home bought it here at the grocery store, it is probably because they thought it was a cucumber ;) But now you can try this very simple pesto recipe that can come in handy after a long work day when you are not in the mood to cook but definitely in taste for some good Italian food.
Olive oil
1 large zucchini
3 cloves of garlic
Fresh basil leaves
Pine nuts
Peel the zucchini and cut them into medium square pieces.
Heat up a pan with some olive oil in it (be generous here!)
Add the garlic cloves and toss it around. Now add the zucchini and cook it until it has cooked through (do not let it brown)
Remove the garlic and cool down the ingredients.
Now add them to a mixer and blend until it becomes a paste (does not have to be very smooth at this stage).
Add the basil leaves, enough for your taste. I usually add a handful.
Add freshly grated parmesan and pine nuts to the mix
Grind all of it into a paste. To enhance the flavor (add reduce friction ;)), add more olive oil
Blend well into a smooth fine paste.
And you are ready!

Boil some water and cook your pasta.
Mix the cooked pasta and pesto. The amount of pesto depends on how saucy you would like your pasta to be. Garnish with some pine nuts and go crazy with more parmesan if that is your double favorite ;) Perfect for a night with your favorite girlfriends or a relaxed evening on the couch while watching Netflix!
